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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Break Time!

Hey everyone!

I hope you are excited to have a week off for General Conference! You have all been working so hard.  I know that you deserve it.  Just a couple things.  I wanted to remind everyone about Stake Auxiliary Training a week from tomorrow.  October 10th, 7pm at the Stake Center. It is really going to be incredible.  We are meeting with all the primary presidencies, teachers, choristers and nursery leaders! We have a really great resource Logann Grasteit who is our stake special needs leader. Now you might think that she wont be valuable to us but you are wrong! She has so many great tips on keeping our primaries reverent and focused.  She in general will help our primaries run better. Plus she is a great teacher so we can learn from her just by watching her.  I'm really excited for you all to meet her. 

So the format will be run like a primary, we will have a talk, scripture, sharing time, and of course singing time.  I will have great tips for you too :) So please do your best to be there.  Find a babysitter or rearrange what you can in order to come.  I know you will not regret it.

Also I wanted to congratulate the 3 wards who had their programs on Sunday.  I was able to make it to two out of the three and you guys never let me down.  Watching the programs is what I look forward to most being in this calling.  You guys are amazing and continue to do great work in this stake.  So thank you for making my calling so enjoyable. So great job Malley, Brighton, and Webster Lake.  Enjoy the relief!

For those who have not had their programs I hope you are able to use some of the review games I mentioned in the previous post.  And if you have great games make a comment and post them.  You can also send them to me and I will post them for you. I would like this site to be used for open communication so post comments so we can learn from each other.

Thanks again for all the hard work you do! Enjoy conference weekend and see you all next Thursday.


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